Display Fridges For Sale

One way to show your customers exactly what you have to offer in your restaurant, café or store is by showing your wares in a display fridge. Display fridges can be used to present everything from cold drinks and desserts to cold meats, salads, quiches and a whole host of other chilled foods.

However, to ensure that you not only display your food and drink to its best advantage but that you keep it in optimum condition, you need a quality piece of equipment.  By purchasing a refrigerator from Butler Equipment, you’re making sure that your money is spent on a suitable, high-quality, and reliable kitchen appliance that will give you years of service.

3 Key Features to Look For 

As with any appliance, when you’re searching for a new fridge there are a few things you need to consider. 

Digital Thermometer. Older fridges have a dial inside for adjusting the fridge’s temperature, but this can lead to people accidentally nudging or knocking it when they’re in there. Digital thermometers allow for easy control of the temperature and remove that risk.

Energy Efficiency. Keep in mind that any type of fridge you purchase will be powered on 24/7, so saving money when you’re able to is crucial. Using an energy efficient fridge isn’t just good for your carbon footprint, it’s also good for your wallet!

Magnetic Door Gaskets. If you buy a refrigerator that doesn’t have these then don’t worry – you can buy door gaskets separately and install them fairly easily. Magnetic gaskets prevent cold air from escaping the fridge, which keeps the contents cool and also helps limit the fridge’s energy usage.

How We Can Help

Butler Equipment was established to serve the hospitality industry and make sourcing the best kitchen appliances an easy task. We believe that without the best equipment, a kitchen can’t function at its peak. That’s where we come in. In addition to having display fridges for sale we also sell:

  • Commercial dishwashers
  • Heated display counters
  • Bakery ovens
  • Food processors
  • Coffee machines

It doesn’t stop there – take a look around our website to see more of the products we can offer you. When it comes to our commercial refrigerators, here’s how you can benefit from them:

  • Customers will be able to see what cold drinks and foods you have for sale with ease.
  • Display fridges are aesthetically pleasing simply due to the way in which you display the contents.
  • Employees will have an easier job when checking and restocking the contents.
  • While it depends on the exact fridge you purchase, display fridges typically have a lot of space so that it is also easy to keep the contents organised.
  • They are very easy to keep clean and maintain.

Got a Question? Call Us Up!

If you have any queries about our range of display fridges or even if you just have a question, feel free to get in touch with us.

You can either fill out the form on our contact page or call us up on 1800 225 215; we’re more than happy to assist you in any way we can.

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